Abuse and #MeToo
See the resources below for understanding, preventing, and responding to abuse in the church. To begin with, the following phrases should be avoided at all cost!

Practices to Avoid
Cycle of Abuse: When an Abuser Uses the Church by Center for Family Violence Prevention; church version by Kaitlin Shetler
​​How the Misuse of Matthew 18 Bullies Abuse Survivors Into Silence by Russell Meek
Why Adult Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse Are Not to Blame by Mark Scheffers
What Were You Wearing? Exhibit at DSU dispels myths on sexual assault (video)
4 Problems with Andy Savage’s Apology by Ashley Easter
She's Not That into You: how men overrate women's interest
How Clergy Sexual Misconduct Happens: A Qualitative Study of First-Hand Accounts by Diana R. Garland & Christen Argueta
Resources for Addressing Abuse
​Resources from GRACE: Godly Response to Abuse in the Christian Environment
The Mend Project. Many resources, but particularly check out their "Tools for Pastors" on their Tools + Resources page.
History of Violence Checklist: an eye-opening list of behaviors that constitute abuse
Abuse Prevention
Healthy Boundaries videos (English only) and workbooks (English and Spanish). Many other resources are also available through this database of resources on gender-based violence.
What You in the Congregation Need to Know about Clergy Misconduct (English and Spanish).
How To Raise Strong Girls (and Boys!) in an Age of #MeToo by Jill M. Richardson
A Tale of Two Rapes: What Tamar and Bathsheba Teach Us About Power, Consent, and Sexual Violence by Erin Moniz
Understanding Sexual Abuse By a Church Leader or Caregiver by the Mennonite Central Committee
See also videos on our video page, such as:
Theology of Suffering
The Danger of Civility
Some of our book recommendations will also provide best practices to recognize and avoid abuse.