How To's
Whether you want to better recognize sexism or to put practices in place that promote balanced leadership, the articles below can help. Also check out our book recommendations.
What does sexism look like?
It's Time to Start Recognizing Sexism in the Church by Janel Apps Ramsey
The Subtle Hazing of Women in Ministry by Jill M. Richardson
Becoming a Champion of Women: One Pastor’s Journey by Larry Walkemeyer
Why Hiring Women is Not Enough: Tokenism and the "Problem" Woman of Colour by Kira Page
The Problem When Sexism Just Sounds So Darn Friendly... by Melanie Tannenbaum
The Ambivalent Sexism Inventory: Can you recognize the different faces of sexism?
We Are Feminine (But We Won’t Fit In Your Box) by Tara Beth Leach
The "Feminization" of the Church by Kristen Rosser
The abrasiveness trap: High-achieving men and women are described differently in reviews by Kieran Snyder
A Jesus for Real Men: What the new masculinity movement gets right and wrong by Brandon O'Brien
Why Do So Many Incompetent Men Become Leaders? by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
3 Female Ghosts that Haunt the Church by Jen Wilkin
Roundup of Concerns with the ESV
Women Rising: The Unseen Barriers by Herminia Ibarra, Robin J. Ely, and Deborah M. Kolb
Organizational Resistance to Women in Ministry by Edward C. Lehman. Email AWL for full article.
How can we support women and build egalitarian environments?
Local Church Assessment of Women's Full Inclusion
Creating Discussion Spaces Where Women Are Heard by Jill M. Richardson
Raising Up Allies: A Standardized Pathway for Developing Men into Allies to Women by Rob Dixon
If you would rather listen to an audio version of this material, see Becoming an Ally: A Roadmap for Men Who Aspire to Advocate for Women.
How to Find a Church that Empowers Women by Ruth Martin
Would someone looking for such a church choose yours?
​​The Billy Graham Rule, or Why Men in Ministry Need to Meet with Women Roundup
Seventeen Resources on Women and Men in Mutual Leadership by Chris Morton
How to Become a Church that Welcomes Women Pastors by Jill M. Richardson
Learning from My Mistakes: Being Intentional about Practicing Egalitarianism by Charles M. Metcalf
9 Ridiculously Practical Ways for Male Leaders to Empower Female Leaders in the Church by J. R. Briggs
Caring for the Mothers in Our Midst: The Church’s Responsibility
8 Reasons to Stop Saying ‘Men’ When We Mean Everyone by Karl Vaters
Interrupting Sexism at Work: What Drives Men to Respond Directly or Do Nothing? (Report) by Negin Sattari, PhD , Emily Shaffer, PhD , Sarah DiMuccio, PhD , Dnika J. Travis, PhD
Plus a couple of suggestions from AWL:
Make your presenters list as diverse as you want your audience to be.
Let Women Ask the First Question in Q & A and Discussion Meetings:

How To's for Women in Ministry
Six Tips for Taking Center Stage by Jill M. Richardson
No Need to Downplay Your Leadership by Jill M. Richardson
"Tiara Syndrome" Do you have a tendency to put your head down, work hard, and hope someone will eventually notice and reward you with promotion? Some of us do, too! Here's what that is, and how to do something different.
See also videos on our video page, such as:
Everyday Sexism