Video Corner
Watch these videos to learn more about women in ministry, egalitarian marriages, the history of women in Christianity, or anti-sexism. To see more resources organized by topic, go to this page.

We often expect humility to look like stepping aside, away from the spotlight, and giving authority, credit, or an assignment to someone else. In this video, Dr. Christena Clevalend explains what humility looks like from a marginalized position.
Does God say, "I hate divorce"?
Malachi 2:15 is sometimes cited out of context, used to prolong marriages that have long ceased to be places of Shalom. In this video, Gretchen Baskerville takes us through this passage and gives us its context.

Why do women preach?
When so many churches oppose women preachers, why do some of us insist on preaching anyway? In this compilation, a series of women pastors explain.
The Pushback
What happens when women preach? Sometimes there is pushback. Here are examples from the NC Synod of the ELCA. If you ever wondered what microaggressions are, these are examples.

Headship in Ephesians
Laura J. Hunt goes through the meaning of the word for "head" in the ancient world and its uses throughout Ephesians to explain the meaning of headship in Eph 5:23 (CEB): "A husband is the head of his wife like Christ is head of the church, that is, the savior of the body."
Adventures in Sexist Hermeneutics
1 Timothy 2:12 is often used to prohibit women's preaching. In this video, Jamin Hübner takes us through the principles of good hermeneutics (interpretation) and shows us the problems with this understanding.
The powerpoint for this talk is here.

The Theology of Gender
In this series of 11 videos, Ron Pierce teaches a course on the Theology of Gender at Biola University. Each video is approximately 90 minutes long. The first video starts here; click here for the whole playlist.
Theology of Suffering
Because Christians follow a suffering Messiah, suffering itself is sometimes held up as virtuous. Such a theology has historically failed to motivate Christians to alleviate suffering, for abused women among others. Much has been written on different models of suffering. In her book, Race & Rhyme, Love Sechrest writes, "Paul emphasizes suffering that is endured--not embraced--as part of the cost of following the way of Jesus in ministering life and liberation to others in this life." Raquel A. St. Clair writes about suffering in Call and Consequences: A Womanist Reading of Mark, summarized here. This video, by Laura J. Hunt, offers a few thoughts.

The Danger of Civility
Church leaders sometimes dismiss critics, labeling them "angry," "bitter," or "too demanding." In this video Christena Cleveland explains the importance of listening to those who do not always make us comfortable in the way they present their information.
In recent years, the term "intersectionality" has come under attack. Watch in this video how Kimberlé Crenshaw, the author of the term, explains why we need a term that allows us to address the way sexism and racism are not just overlayed on top of each other but manifest differently in various women's lives.

What Were You Wearing?
To help our culture move away from victim blaming, this display demonstrates that sexual assault is not about uncontrolled lust but about expressing power. Therefore, women's clothing is irrelevant to this particular discussion.
Everyday Sexism
A quick 2-minute video with examples of small changes you can make that will have a big impact.

Listening to Michal
Rev. Dr. Kristina LaCelle-Peterson takes us through the story of Michal in a way that values her contribution and reminds us to listen well.
An overview of helpful ways to define forgiveness. For more, see the resources listed here.

Lived Experience
Using volunteer actors to protect the identity of the women involved, this movie allows Free Methodist women to tell their stories in their own words. Rev. Dr. Roberta Mosier-Peterson explains and narrates.